Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

random shots of the day

so i just bought myself a digital pocket camera, a nikon coolpix s220.

i think i'm going back to the shop and see if i can swap another digipocam. cus this one's pretty lame. gotta do major editing and shit to produce a proper image.

1 komentar:

Lydia mengatakan...

Dochi,,salam kenal yaa...

Dochi sama San" kalo tattoo dimana sihh?!
Keren" dehhh...

Dochi,,blog'a sengaja ga disetting followers yaa?!

Dochi,,kalo ga keberatan follow blog saia yaa...
Makasih banyak sebelum'a yaa...
Sukses buat PWG...