Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Daytime Drama


Melvin is taking Diva back to her house, the situation is quite tense;

Melvin just found out that after all this time, it wasn't only him that

she's seeing, a thousand lies suddenly appears from a thousand faces

he tried to ignore.


you ruin my life.


i'm sorry.


you should be. and believe you me, i'm gonna ruin your life. every
second of it you're spending in this hometown of mine. a place full
of beautiful mistakes. my best laid plans will tear and break your heart.


i've told you before, you deserve better. you just wouldn't



i want YOU to be better. but it's too much to ask isn't it?


what do you wan't? what can i do for you?


that's a charming development.
i don't want anything from you, i'm far from romanced, this

relationship is pointless in the first place. i hope you fall

in love and he falls out. i hope the only reason a guy could

ever love you is because you're beatiful, and the only reason

he'll stay is because you're fuckable. and i hope someday you'll

have STD and a bastard. a cute bastard. at least the little poor

thing is happy.

'Somewhat in the dark, she had
confessed and he had forgiven.
This is what you live for, he
said. Two heads and a dashboard where
there is only the safety of being
with each other. How, she
wondered, could she find such hope
in the most shameful part of her.'

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Remember when i said, "I Love You" well, forget it i take it back

There are things that used to make me smile
One of them was you for just a little while
You left me for dead so far away
I replaced you with fear and shame
You'll be happy on the day I die

There are things that used to make me laugh
But now they're deeply buried in the past
I left them there so far away
Replaced my humor with my pain
I'll be happy on the day it dies

Remember when I said I love you
Well, forget it I take it back
I was just a stupid kid back then
I take back every word that I said

There are things that used to make you cry
One of them was me for just a little while
Why is it that you had to say
Goodbye in your special way
You slashed the tires on my car

Remember when I said I love you
Well, forget it I take it back
I was just a stupid kid back then
I take back every word that I said

Remember when I said I love you
Well, go ahead I take it back
I was just a stupid kid back then
I take back every word that I said

Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

AWESOME THINGS #56: Screaming at characters in movies to do things.


“Don’t, don’t, don’t.”

“Don’t, he’s behind the door.”

“Turn around!”

“Turn around, turn around, turn around!”

“Now kiss her, you idiot.”


AWESOME THINGS #3: When the person you love, loves you back.


AWESOME THINGS #100: Looking at the clock and seeing that it’s 12:34.

When this happens it’s like your day is winking at you. It sort of feels like all the mysteries of the world are about to unfold before your eyes as the universe puts up its hand and says “Hey, stop for a second!”

Also applies to 11:11.


AWESOME THINGS #50: Watching a movie and not watching it.

So you decided to watch a movie that you want to see with the one you love,
the story's okay, the plot is well played, the characters are just amazing,
but then you started to figure out better things to do and not gonna waste any second of it, you didn't know what went first and started kissing, you pushed back and she laid down, and all in all you were doing it with the dialogues, soundtracks and soundfx on the background, until it hits the credit title.


AWESOME THINGS #27: Laughing so hard you start crying.

It’s a beautiful moment.

Your friend suddenly squeezes her eyes shut and starts shaking her head while laughing so hard little streams of salty tears start running down her cheeks. She covers her mouth with her hands as her wide-eyed face turns red — and you can see shiny reflections sparkle in her glittery wet eyes. Big booms bounce off walls until she eventually slows down, gasps for air, and open her eyes wide while wet sniffling, smiling widely, and regaining her composure.

And then she looks you right in the eyes and smiles. And you look her right in the eyes and smile.

And it starts all over again.


AWESOME THINGS #203: Listening to couples tell you how they met.

Cute, cuddly, giggly, smiling, holding hands wedged deeply in the restaurant booth. Picking nachos, sipping cola, you casually ask how they met and then listen with warm wide-eyed smiles as they stutter and stumble over all the little details and tiny moments that helped bring them together.

He did this, she did that, he was thinking this, she was thinking that. She thought he thought, but he thought she thought, and then there was this party, and then there was that night.

Just look at them.


AWESOME THINGS #112: When your pet notices you’re in a bad mood and comes to see you.

Everybody hurts, sometimes.

Relationships fritz and fizzle, bad moods steam and sizzle, and we all have moments where all we wanna do is to curl up under a blanket so it all goes away.

In tear-stained moments of blackness, when the weight of the world hangs heavy, there’s nothing as sweet as a furry four-footed friend noticing your mood and coming over for a snuggle.

As your dog curls into your lap or your cat stares straight in your eyes you just suddenly sniff back hot salty tears and let a small smile curl onto your face.


AWESOME THINGS #32: When you learn a new word and then suddenly start seeing it everywhere.

Once in a while you send big blinking signs that everything’s unfolding according to plan. Yes, whether it’s a supersmooth drive home, some eerie deja vu, or a perfect time showing up on the clock, you drop buzzy little braintwists that always keep us guessing.

Yes, it’s great when you learn a new word and then suddenly start seeing it everywhere. You know how it goes: something weird like coagulate, vexed, or perforated leaps into your temporal lobe and wedges itself there tightly, grabbing a beer, putting its feet up, making itself at home.

But then soon magazine articles are zooming the word up to your eyeballs, your college professor is dropping it in lectures, and you see it hanging strangely coagulate in the middle of a random blog.

“I never knew that word before,” you think. “but now it’s following me around.”

See, the Lords of Language know you well. They gotta repeat things to seal in the learning. So when it happens just enjoy that personal thrill, feel that connection crackle, and smile and nod because you just got a little bit smarter and a lot more


AWESOME THINGS #39: Napping with someone.

Jam your elbows in that stomach, breathe in those shampoo fumes, and squeeze your knees into the puffy cushions while spooning into a quick catnap on the couch or your messy bed. As drool drips, skin warms, and a slippery sweatfilm slides between you, just smile, close your eyes, and fade into a quiet cuddly moment with someone you love.


AWESOME THINGS #41:High fiving babies.



AWESOME THINGS #68: The moment on vacation when you forget what day of the week it is.

Let’s see here.

Saturday we got here. Sunday we did nothing. Then after that we did nothing. The next day we did nothing. And we’re doing nothing now.


AWESOME THINGS #19: When the person you’re meeting is even later than you are.

Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap.

You’re late.

Racing, running, rushing, you’re checking your watch and picturing your friend tapping their foot and rolling their eyes while waiting for you.

That’s why it’s great when you arrive hot, sweaty, and breathless just before they rush around the corner hot, sweaty, and breathless, too.

Now no one has to feel bad.


AWESOME THINGS #18: When the red light changes to green just as you approach it.

it's like the universe knew you were coming..


AWESOME THINGS #1: The moment of anticipation just before the first kiss.

Stare into those eyes.

Pupils grow wide and hearts thump fast as brains jolt and thoughts rollercoaster around. Conversation jumbles and stumbles before fading into footnotes as fingers touch and linger, thoughts twist together, and eye contact drifts and sways before catching and connecting as everything goes quiet…


(also read the French Fries Kiss story below)

AWESOME THINGS #108: Staying up so late that everything becomes funny.

Midnight is long gone.

Maybe you’re crowded around a kitchen table searching for something foody to eat, squirreled into sleeping bags on a cold floor, or drinking cold coffee and leaning over laptops before tomorrow’s big deadline.

Either way, it’s time to face facts: you’re up way too late.

Your eyes burn a bit, your head spaces out, random arms or legs starts throbbing, and maybe your scalp gets really, really, really, really itchy. Point is, you’ve ignored your body’s Go to Sleep signals for hours so now you’re hunched over a walking stick squinting deep into the foggy darkness of four, five, six in the morning.

The good news is your brain has developed just the system to charge you up with extra juice and help you power through. Yes, we’re talking about massively lowered Standards of Hilarity which help make everything funny. Someone steps on Styrofoam Jupiter, kicks a can of Coke onto the pizza, or accidentally deletes the Powerpoint slides, and suddenly everyone looks up at each other with tired raccoon eyes and… just starts cracking up.

Late night laughing is a beautiful moment because we’re letting ourselves stand up and step back from whatever’s keeping us up. Gone are the stresses of the group project, hanging dread of the deadline, and tensions tying us together. Now the differences dissolve and we realize we’re all part of the same Bleary Eyed Giggling clan — telling bad jokes, laughing till it hurts, and smiling till sunrise.


AWESOME THINGS #447: Walking into a crowded party and locking eyes with someone you know across the room.


The door opens to you on the porch in your just-washed jeans and crispy clean shirt staring into a sweaty sea of strange faces. You walk in and stumble past a pile of shoes and a kissing couple while awkwardly scanning the room for some friendly faces. Stepping a bit deeper into the anonymous bass-thumping scene you move past empty bowls of chips, slippery wet countertops, and loud laughs … wondering for a second if you’re in the right place.

Then it happens.

You make laserbeam eye contact with a close friend smiling across the crowded room.

Suddenly it’s all confirmed.

You belong here.


AWESOME THINGS #200: Driving over a small hill in your car.

Let’s hit the suburban roller coaster.

When you’re a little kid riding backwards in a wood-paneled wagon there’s few things as fun as hitting a gut-twisting bump over a little hill on the highway. Or maybe you’re at the back of the bus, bouncing like jumping beans as you ride the waves, laughing with your snot-nosed pals amongst the slippery nylon seats on your way getting out of town. Or maybe you’re just cruising down dark roads, slipping through shortcuts, and winding off the freeway and rolling over those small hills gives you a small little lift on your long drive home…

Bumps in the road make life more fun.


AWESOME THINGS #301: Looking up while underwater.

Sunlight shimmers and glimmers across shaky waves as treetops twist into melted shadows. Silence clogs your ears as you drift alone in your secret underwater chamber deep in the ocean darkness or shallow in the swimming pool. Bubbles scream up all around you as you float like an astronaut in zero gravity and the world around you just smears and smudges and drifts away.


AWESOME THINGS #442: Figuring out how we got on this topic.

Do you ever find yourself chatting with friends when someone suddenly says “Hey, how did we start talking about this?”

That’s when you find yourself quickly unwinding your off-the-rails conversation by jumping backwards through scattered anecdotes and interconnected stories. As you unravel the jumbly mystery you’re suddenly a speedy detective racing back through the universe at warp speed to tighten a couple screws so your tightly twisted brain can relax back into a world that makes sense again.



Tonight, I'll picture you and I,
When this was as strong as the bright burning sun,
We held each others gaze for fun.

Then came the fights,
Then came the storms,
Their shadows cast beyond our own.
But you always took me too seriously,
I'll never forget what we used to be.

The movies don't show what happens to love when love gets old
Yeah I tried, but I just can't let her go,
And the movies don't show what happens to love when love gets old

Tonight I'll drive across your part of town
To deliver a message to lay at your feet,
To show you I'll *cough* love you,
But that we can't be more than we are.
We're trying too hard.
Your shoulder this burden for so long
But you never gave me the choice in the end
I hate to be selfish but this needs to end

We don't have to count our steps in the sand anymore
In the sand anymore
Just like in a photograph
Someday we'll look back, someday we'll look back


The movies don't show what happens to love when love gets old

Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010


Adalah bagaimana manusia menyebut nama Tuhannya
Tebas lehernya dulu baru beri dia kesempatan untuk bertanya
Pastikan setiap tema legitimasi agama seperti hak cipta
Supaya dapat kucuci seluruh kesucianmu dengan sperma
Persetan dengan surga sejak parameter pahala
diukur dengan seberapa banyak kepala yang kau pisahkan dengan nyawa
Kini leherkulah yang membuat golokmu tertawa
Target operasi diantara segudang fasis seperti FBR di Karbala
Karena aku adalah libido kemarahan mu yang terangsang dalam genangan darah selangkangan Shanty jika kau menyebut parang bagian dari dakwah
Melahap dunia menjadi pertandingan sepakbola penuh suporter yang siap membunuh jika papan skor tak sesuai selera
Para manusia unggul warisan Orientasi Mahasiswa
Paranoia statistika agama wacana-phobia ala F.A.K
B-A-K-I-N tak pernah bubar mewujud dalam nafas kultural
Persis wakil parlemen yang kau coblos dan kau tuntut bubar
Partai bisa ular belukar liberal
Genghis Khan mana yang coba definisikan moral ?!!
Persetankan argumentasi membakar bara masalah
Dengan kunci pembuka anti-dialektika komprehensi satu bahasa
Instruksi air raksa mereduksi puisi hingga ke level yang paling fatal
Hilangkan amunisi
Sakral adalah ambisi
Wadal modernisasi
Program labelisasi Abu Jahal
Distopia yang tak pernah sabar untuk menuai badai

Untuk setiap kebenaran dan keagungan yang kau bela dengan dakwah
Dan membuat orang lain mati bersamamu
Untuk setiap ide yang kalian berangus atas nama surga yang kalian halalkan

Aku bersumpah untuk setiap jengkal markas yang dianggap layak bongkar
Dan setiap buku yang nampak lebih berguna jika terbakar
Jika setiap hal harus bergerak dalam alurmu yang sakral
Sampai api terakhir pun neraka bertukar tempat dengan aspal
Batalyon pembenci Gommorah sucikan dunia dengan darah
Menipiskan batas antara khotbah dengan gundukan sampah
Jika membaca Albert Camus menjadi alasan badan-leher terpisah
Lawan api dengan api dan biarkan semua rata dengan tanah
Lubang tai sejarah memang dunia adalah
Kakus raksasa nikahi bongkah kranium kerdil berpinak ludah
Jika idealismemu tawaran mengundang surga mampir
Berikan bendera dan seragammu kubakar sampai arang terakhir
Seratus kali lebih dangkal dari kolom Atang Ruswita
Seribu kali lebih busuk dari tajuk majalah Garda
Untuk semua idiot yang berfikir semua ide dapat berakhir di perapian
Tak ada dunia yang begitu mudah untuk kalian hitam-putihkan

Mendukung keagungan layak Heidegger mendukung Nazi
Propaganda basi
Wahyu surgawi dengan bau tengik terasi
Jika suci adalah wajib dan perbedaan harus melenyap
Maka jawaban atas wahyu parang dan balok adalah bensin, kain dan botol kecap !!

Fasis yang baik adalah fasis yang mati
Fasis yang baik adalah fasis yang mati
Fasis yang baik adalah fasis yang mati
Tunggu di ujung jalan yang sama saat kalian mengancam kami !!!



currently in love with this girl.

Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010


Beranjak dan berjalan kedepan
basuh air mata dan cerita
saatnya melupakan

jam berhenti di dua belas
kuhabiskan gelas demi gelas
membuat pahit sisa yang manis
sampai akhirnya ku lupa

dan kau percaya
tak ada yang lebih baik dari ini
apanya yang bahagia?
dan kutertawa
tak akan ada cerita dalam sebuah rahasia

lupakan saja
dan jangan pernah kau kembali disini
keringkan semua luka
pergilah saja
berlarilah karena kau akan ku lupakan

berhenti dan ingatlah sejenak
coba tetap berdiri tegak dan membakar semua kenangmu

berhenti menangis dan
ini yang terbaik dan
teruslah melangkah dan
saat dunia berpaling darimu, tengoklah kearah lain

dan kau percaya
tak ada yang lebih baik dari ini
apanya yang bahagia?
dan kutertawa
tak akan ada cerita dalam sebuah rahasia

lupakan saja
dan jangan pernah kau kembali disini
keringkan semua luka
pergilah saja
berlarilah karena kau akan ku lupakan

kalau bisa
ku ulangi cerita
ku tak akan berada
di tempat pertama kita berjumpa
tak akan ada
dan mencari
kau disana menunggu
untuk ditemukan
untuk ditemukan

dan kau percaya
tak ada yang lebih baik dari ini
apanya yang bahagia?
dan kutertawa
tak akan ada cerita dalam sebuah rahasia

lupakan saja
dan jangan pernah kau kembali disini
keringkan semua luka
pergilah saja
berlarilah karena kau akan ku lupakan

berhenti menangis dan
ini yang terbaik dan
teruslah melangkah dan
saat dunia berpaling darimu, tengoklah kearah lain

Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010


your lips are cocaine i'm addicted, and i want more.


The girl
"You're prolly getting ready, hahaha I can imagine you fussing around in your room. Hahaha and your fat belly :( I miss you like a lot, I miss watching movies in ur room and not watching it. :( I miss our midnight calls sampe sampe harus xl yang matiin hahaha.. I miss your random pick up lines.. I miss your hair, yeah I do ur soft hair :'( I miss leaning on ur shoulders, I miss the way our hands would touch.. Its only been three days, but :( I miss ur lame jokes, corny pick up lines and how u would 'bullshit' a lot like a lot."

The boy
"At first it was only physical attraction, and then you let me get to know you more, and then your sense of style fits mine, you listen to the music I listen to, and the french fry thingy that was just too sweet.. You let me touched you, our hearts touched, we exchanged body heat, and then came love, and I knew it since then I would never let go, and for all of this, I will wait for you"

i see the sky is bright when i see you
then it turned to grey and somehow i'm addicted to you
i can't control my mind and my emotion

now you're gone this emptiness inside is too deep for me
and i admit that i'm addicted to you
i need you in my life so why can't we be?

why can't we figure out 'bout something i feel empty
i shouldn't have let me drown to deep
and tell me can i reach the bottom so i'll be reaching out through burst
and i'll fly, so high.

Senin, 02 Agustus 2010


I Don't Want To Let You Go

All the times you came to me and told me that you cared
I was dreaming of happy days that we both could share
Maybe I got too excited, and maybe you freaked out
Maybe I just have to call you up and scream and shout
All my friends tell me that i ought to play it cool
No one likes too much attention from a desperate fool
Still I don't believe that I could keep it all inside
When I see your pretty face I almost want to cry

I know it isn't right, but still I have to fight
I have to let you know, I don't want to let you go
The pain is killing me, but I can't let it be
I have to let you know, I don't want to let you go

I remember the days when I was stronger than a wall
Try as anybody might, they couldn't move me at all
Now I fall to pieces when you softly call my name
Going up in a moth within your flame
I have lost all hope for being normal once again
I will be a slave to you until the bitter end
Even if it's a hundred years before you change your mind
I will be here waiting girl until the end of time

I know it isn't right, but still I have to fight
I have to let you know, I don't want to let you go
The pain is killing me, but I can't let it be
I have to let you know, I don't want to let you go

I know it isn't right, but still I have to fight
I have to let you know, I don't want to let you go
The pain is killing me, but I can't let it be
I have to let you know, I don't want to let you go