Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010

you want your ex back? here's how

When you first get dumped and the shock wears off, you may do several common things in an effort to get your girl back. The first thing you'll do is try to change her mind. As you fight her on the decision to break up (and your now ex girlfriend gets more and more annoyed), you'll even start to beg and plead her to give things a second chance. A day or two later, you might be writing long love notes, seeking out the perfect Hallmark cards, sending flowers or even small gifts thinking these can buy your way back into your ex's heart. As things progress and you still haven't gotten back together, you might show up at your ex's job, school, or home in an effort to get her to talk to you.

All of these things are terrible ideas, but they're also the most common things men do after losing a girlfriend.

The one thing you might fail to realize is that all of the actions listed above are designed toward making yourself feel better. None of them are geared toward fulfilling your ex's needs or wishes. Men in such a position tend to act toward fulfilling their own needs, when they should be concerned with how their girlfriend feels at the time. Because of this, she's going to become frustrated with everything you do... all while you sit there wondering why nothing you've been doing has made your ex want you back.

When your girlfriend broke up with you, she pushed you away. This is because she's now trying to reconcile her own feelings, and she needs solitude in order to do that. She doesn't want to be influenced by you, at least right now, which is why she doesn't want to hear from you immediately. And even if she offered to "still be friends", this is definitely not the time to be contacting your ex. The more you try to communicate directly after the break up, the worse you're making your chances of ever getting back together with your girlfriend.

Let's take the following two scenarios as a good example of how things should go (and not go):

Scenario #1 - Your girl dumps you, and in trying to get her back you believe the best thing to do is keep in contact with her. After all, you've talked to and seen her every single day all these last weeks and months, so what should be different? You call your ex a few times, send her a couple of emails, and even drop her a text-message or two just to say hello to her.

Since you're not actually asking to get back together with her, you think that all this contact is innocent and okay. In reality though, you're making your ex feel very strange about you. Before long, all your little messages get very annoying to her. She can't possibly miss you, because you're always blowing up her phone. She feels trapped in another smothering type of relationship with you, which is ironic because you're not even dating.

Eventually she stops answering you calls, and this is where you feel her slipping away from you quickly. Maybe your ex girlfriend found someone else? Maybe she's moving on? You fear the worst, so you start showing up where she lives and works to spy on her. When you get caught, you try to justify it by telling her you're only doing it because you love her. You quickly get labeled a stalker ex-boyfriend, which pretty much spells doom for any possible reconciliation you could've had with your ex.

Scenario #2 - Again you get dumped by your girlfriend, but this time you don't resist. Instead of fighting for her to change her mind, you agree with the break up. Wishing her the best, you give your ex one last hug and walk quietly away without a fight. She goes home totally confused, wondering why you didn't at least try to keep your relationship with her.

All the next day, your ex is pretty baffled by what happened... but she shrugs and accepts it. Another day goes by, and then another... without any signs of contact from your end. She checks her messages and there's nothing from you. No missed calls. Not a single email from you either. After a few days of thinking about things, your ex begins to wonder where you are. Did you already move on? Did you find a new girlfriend? Did you even love her in the first place, because with the ease at which you let her go it doesn't seem like you could've cared all that much.

This is when your ex actually begins to miss you, because you haven't been around at all. She's also curious as hell as to what you've been doing. Truth be told, she's also a little fearful that maybe you've already moved way past the relationship... here she is still thinking about things, and you don't appear to be. Your ex will start to believe she needed you a lot more than you needed her, and this is something that's strangely attractive to her. This is when you'll get that not-so-innocent ex girlfriend phone call. How you handle it can be critical to setting up a short meeting or reunion date with your ex.

As you can see, there are very right and very wrong ways to deal with things when a girlfriend ends your relationship. In trying to get back with your ex, you need to know precisely how to handle things. It almost feels like manipulation, but it's not - your ex creates these feelings and longings in her own mind all because of your lack of reaction to her. Understanding how to work these principals are key to making your ex miss and want you again.

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

think again.

Mengingat peristiwa yang terjadi di Surabaya (yang tertulis di, gw pribadi gak akan tinggal diam, setelah konsultasi sama temen gw yang kebetulan pengacara, dia menganjurkan gw untuk menuntut pelaku fitnah.

Cuma untuk bayangan, buat kalian disana yang masih menyebarkan berita2 bohong dan menghasut sebuah kelompok, ini udah gak bisa dianggap sebagai "kegiatan iseng mengisi waktu luang", karena pelaku (sedikit bocoran, gampang sekali mencari pelaku, bisa dari IP Address komputer yang dipakai untuk menyebarkan berita, entah itu dari facebook, twitter, kaskus, atau sosial media lainnya). Coba renungkan sejenak bila keisengan kalian itu berbuah terjerat pasal berlapis, yaitu KUHP pasal 310 (pencemaran lewat tulisan dan gambar), 311  (pencemaran nama baik), 355 (perbuatan tidak menyenangkan). Bisa dipastikan orang yang terjerat pasal ini akan melihat masa depan dengan sangat gelap.

Kami dari PWG tidak menuntut oknum yang menganiaya road manager kami karena mereka juga korban dari informasi yang tidak benar, jadi kami sekarang sedang mencari si penghasut. Kami sudah dapat beberapa nama dan beberapa informasi dan memberikan ultimatum bila kurang dari 7x24 jam tidak ada permohonan maaf tertulis, siap2 rumahnya kedatangan tamu.

pesan dan kesan bunda

memandang wajah Reegi yang terluka membuat hati ini sangat merana
meski bisa dibilang resiko dalam menjalankan tugas, tetap saja sebuah musibah
semua anak PWG berikut manager dan crewnya bunda anggap sebagai anak bunda
betapa galau dan risaunya hati bunda setiap PWG akan mengadakan show atau kegiatan
baik di dalam kota maupun  di luar kota

betapa kejinya menebarkan issu atau rumor yang sama sekali tidak benar hanya untuk menjatuhkan
suatu grup musik yang tidak pernah mengobarkan permusuhan kepada grup musik lain
apalagi bermusuhan atau merusak kelompok yang sama sekali tidak ada hubungannya dengan musik
sebagai seorang ibu yang sejak kecil mensuport dan mendampingi anak bermain musik
tahu persis betapa besar perjuangan dochi untuk menjadi seperti sekarang
sungguh besar pengorbanannya untuk itu semua
sejak kecil dia sudah dididik untuk menghargai orang lain
dalam keluarga besar pun dia dikenal sebagai anak yang pendiam tp penuh perhatian dan celetukannya humoris
meski agak  sedikit 'jail'
kalaupun sekarang dia menjadi banyak bicara itu suatu perkembangan yang luar biasa
kebiasaan menuliskan apa aja yang dilakukannya setiap saat semacam jurnal tetap dilakukan sampai kini
kebiasaan tersebut terinspirasi sejak membaca jurnal almarhumah  eyang putrinya

betapa sedih dan nggak terima kalau dia dibilang sombong
hanya karena tidak bisa membalas pesan sms, fb ataupun twitternya
jangan salah, fb dia jarang sekali dibuka kec yg satu untuk komunikasi dengan ibu dan saudaranya
bahkan dalam fb banyak sekali yang mengatas namakan dia, sampai ibunyapun bingung mana yang asli dan mana yang bukan, tapi bunda tak pernah menyalahkan 'aspal' tersebut sejauh tidak merugikan..
bunda anggap itu sebagai kegiatan fansnya yang sangat fanatik..tapi jangan pada nusuk dari belakang ya..
percaya deh bukan karena sombong tidak bisa membalas satu per satu yang menyapanya di dunia maya,
coba hitung aja kalau yg follow  sdh 5000an sementara untuk membalas 1 aja butuh waktu skitar 30 detik
kalau semua hrs dibalas dibutuhkan 5000x30= 150.000 detik = 41,6 jam padahal sehari hanya ada 24 jam
sementara kegiatan dia tidak hanya sekedar bertwiit ria, hrs ada waktu untuk kegiatan lain, seperti latihan, menyiapkan suatu konsep kegiatan, istirahat, makan dan lain lain

kembali ke masalah terlukanya Reegi  sang road manager PWG waktu di Surabaya
yang melalukan apa tidak punya hati nurani..dengan melakukan hal2 yang brutal
apa sedemikian parahkah kehidupan mereka sehingga gampang sekali dipengaruhi dan terbujuk untuk berbuat keonaran
sebagai seorang ibu, bunda menangis buat Reegi, apalagi ibu kandung dan keluarga dan teman2 dekatnya.....
sakit hati kami jauh lebih sakit fisik yang diderita Reegi..
Reegi cepet sembuh ya..tetap tabah dan semangat dan jangan sedikitpun berpikir untuk membalas kebrutalan dengan kebrutalan..inget lagu kalian:  'aku bukan musuhmu'

buat anak2 dorks dimanapun berada bunda pesan jaga bicara kalian ya
jangan memperuncing permusuhan dengan siapapun baik pada apwg maupun kelompok2 lain. apalagi kepada mereka yang telah berbuat "bodoh" karena dibodohi segelintir orang yang memanfaatkan teknologi untuk menyebar berita tidak benar, dan fitnah hanya untuk mencapai tujuan buruknya dan kepentingannya sendiri.
mending energi kita dipakai untuk mempersolid dorks dimanapun berada
pererat persahabatan, tinggalkan yang memusuhimu
maju kedepan, jangan tengok kebelakang tetap semangat dan cinta damai.....
bunda senantiasa berdoa buat kalian semua

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

happiness is like a bag of weed. you have to share it with your friends.

been spending my time here in this square room with nothing but my wandering mind. it's one of those solitary moments. and this question has been popping out from my head and bouncing off the walls: "when you stopped loving what you do, what would you do? resign?"
oh passion, where are you? where did you go? you were there the whole time, hand-in-hand with my dreams. i am nothing without my dreams. to be honest, i loved this more before it was a real job. reckless. not caring of what happens next. hit the stage and rock it like there's no tomorrow. drink until you pass out. kissing strangers. punching faces. with all the people who'd always be there for you no matter what. i'd trade anything for that.

now everybody is everywhere else.

and happiness..

only exist..

when shared.