and i will give you a few list of why i consider myself, a dork.
i like small things that make me happy.
i like to scream at characters in movies to do things
i like looking at the clock and seeing that it's 12:34 or 11:11
i like watching movies and not watching it
i like to hi-5 lil kids and babies
i like going to a book store not knowing what do i want to get, just the idea of going to the book store
i like laughing so hard i start crying
i like listening to couples how they met
i like looking at lights at night, sometimes it looks brighter than it is during the day
i like it when i learn a new word and then suddenly start seeing it everywhere
i like morning messages
i like organizing things, like keeping my clothes color coordinated in the drawers, i can be a bit neurotic
i like staying up so late that everything becomes funny
i like going to vacation until i don't know what day it is because it just don't matter anymore
i like going on a car ride at night
i like long walks
i like parks
i like to make a face on a plate with the food that i don't finish eating
do you do the same too?
if you read the older post of this blog, you'll get to the "awesome thing #" part.
21 komentar:
how about "the moment of anticipation just before the kiss"?
isn't that awesome things number #1 according to you? why dont i see that in this post?
anyway i think "the moment when the lips are meeting" is the most awesome part. haha
Kalo kebiasaan saya yg bikin saya yakin kalo saya dork adalah: sebelum kentut, tangan dimasukin ke pantat trus kentut abis itu cium tangan saya, trus suka panik sendiri kalo inget hal yg bikin malu/kesel, suka berprilaku aneh kaya ngomong sendiri, loncat2 sambil main bass bayangan pas dengerin lagu kesukaan, dan satu lagi, suka download in foto2 yg ada muka mas Dochi di twitter atopun di , cukup dork kah saya?
I've did the tenth of these lists, yes i got a new word, i learn it and then i always tried written some poems with it, some poems that make it attached in my brain
And you know what? I always got a new word from a lyrics of your band songs! YES! ON PEE WEE GASKINS SONGS!!!!!!!
andrian: haha gue juga suka masukin tangan ke celana sblm kentut, menurut gue bau kentut sendiri itu kaya bau kue. yes you're a dork
onde dalem: dork!
Dork isn't a loser, they do things with their path
Kalaw gua sih kak, temen2 gua sering ngatain gua dork, karna gua kalo ke skolah, kancing bju seragam yg paling atas slalu di kancingin tanpa pakai dasi, tpi baju nya ga di masukan ke celana.. Hehe lalu gua juga sering lakuin hal bodoh yg menurut gua cuma iseng tpi bisa bikin tmen2 gua ktwa
Hahaha mereka bilang "this is a dork"
bang, lirik back vokal lagu ten folds apology yg adek lo nyanyi ap ya. . . .
bang, lirik back vokal lagu ten folds apology yg adek lo nyanyi ap ya. . .
Mas Dochi kasih trik dong buat saya
Gimana caranya suapaya tangan kanan
saya cepet lemes :D
Email :
nice thoughts, anyway, I'm from hong kong :)
would you mind to follow each other? :)
Yg dpat sy simpulkn DORK itu bkan ngikutin apa yg org lain lakukan,, tp bgmna kta m'jd diri kta yg s'utuhnya, yaa diri kta sebenarnya.. Tnpa infeksi dari individu lain.
I thought this far I am the only weirdo being in this living, but I think I am not alone. Thanks, Doch!
Yes :)
I'm quite a dork, I'm not officially a party dork but I do like your musics, i do like looking at the clock and seeing that it's 12:34 or
11:11 or any uniquely arranged number a lot, and start the wishing. Also it's quite funny how I see the new learned words everywhere. I've been through bullying and become anti-social till this day.
Oh, and I'm not sure whether you remember this moment but we've met before, I took a picture with you and some of my friends in Surabaya airport we just arrived for a study tour in Bali while PWG going to Madura, I'm that one person that don't talk much, but I'm still grateful that you allow me to take a picture with you. You're an inspiration.
Bang dochi bedah lagu summer thrill dong :)
Dork versi gue: teriakin nama orang dari jauh. tapi kalo udah deket atau di depan orang itu, diem purea-pura nggak kenal dan seolah-olah nggak terjadi apa-apa.
Saya bukan dork, saya spider-man. Ini komen apa, sih?
Jual Obat Aborsi, Obat Penggugur Kandungan Ampuh
Obat Aborsi, Obat Penggugur kandungan
Obat Aborsi ,
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Obat Penggugur Kandungan ,
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